Super-crazy ninja ending!
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Well, Locke briefly saw the magic chopsticks on the final page of the last update and somehow, apparently, he got ahold of them. I remember my intention here was that Locke is making up for being out-classed in the hand-to-hand combat department by relying on what he's good at; sleight of hand. "You blinked" is still kind of lazy writing though. He somehow got over to those sticks and grabbed them without The King noticing? I guess, 2004 Tim.
I'll lighten up and say that middle panel with the stick-stabbing is pretty cool in both draftsmanship AND design though. Also: note The King has the same kind of "emotive" sunglasses that Locke does. I guess it's a thing in the future.
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Oh man, Locke (and 2004 Tim) have just been DYING to use that "Elvis has left the building" line. The threat must have passed because the one-liners are back!
I guess these ninjas aren't the revenge sort. It's probably because they know that the story is over.
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The Pawn Stop is probably the 600th Kevin Smith reference in Reckless Life? Maybe 700th? Obviously a nod to the Quick Stop in Clerks.
And yes, fitting to the story, we're going to end this one on a joke. (And a half-decent drawing of Locke.) Having long since decided that he's owed something for this caper, Locke pawns the sticks rather than fulfilling his "hero's journey" from the opening sequence. I'd say Locke is fully formed as the character who he'll be for the rest of the series at this point.
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But wait! That wasn't the end! In a "post-credit scene before it was cool" moment we find the trenchcoat ninja has pulled a Shredder (right down to the garbage) and isn't dead!
I always loved this page in concept and execution and I had EVERY intention of doing a sequel titled Locke VS. the Las Vegas Ninjas because I LOVED writing and drawing this story and want to do it again. (Maybe I still will.) Anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did making it!
NEXT TIME: The one and only Reckless Life crossover!