Another week with lots of new music, including Gino & the Goons, The Routes, Candy Smokes, the Idolizers, Bebee Gallini, Petey J. Cool, Monkey 10, Kid Gulliver, James DiGirolamo, The Armoires & others! Tune in here.
Ramma Lamma / Zero Hour theme / Self
Little Richard / Shake a Hand (If You Can) / Omnivore
T. Tex Edwards & Purple Stickpin / Baby's Got a Gun / Saustex Media
Dex Romweber Duo / Love Letters / Bloodshot
Kid Congo & the Pink Monkey Birds / Lullaby In Paradise / In the Red
Gino & the Goons / Down Home Special / Slovenly
The King Khan & BBQ Show / Animal Party / In the Red
Arthur "Big Boy" Crudup / Dig Myself a Hole / Stag-O-Lee
Link Wray / The Shadow Knows / Rhino
Danny Kroha / House of the Rising Sun / Third Man Records
J.D. Wilkes / Starlings, Ky / Big Legal Mess
The Routes / Mesmerised / Bickerton
Candy Smokes / Drag / Hidden Volume
Lyres / I'll Make It Up To You / Chunk Archives Recordings
The Idolizers / (Whatever Happened to the) Radio / Rum Bar
The Electric Mess / Too Far / The Electric Mess
Fox Face / Johnson Death Farm / Dirtnap Records
Tron Jovi / Bad Gorilla Dub / Triple eye Industries
Negative Positive / How to Kill a Rock / Negative Positive
Devils Teeth / She Talks to Coyotes / Triple Eye Industries
Fallen Down Angels / Anything But Love / Self-released
Elvis / Blue Suede Shoes / BMG
The Plimsouls / Jump, Jive & Harmonize / Alive Naturalsound
The Master Plan / Bbq / Green Mist Records
The Fleshtones / Spilling Blood (At the Rock & Roll Show) / Yep Roc Records
TV Sound / Mods & Rockers / Killing Horse
The Tripwires / Dance with a Drink / Folc Records
Pat Todd & The Rankoutsiders / Money / Hound Gawd
Beebe Gallini / Little Sister / Rum Bar
The Gay Sportscasters / Derby Crush / Saustex Media
Baby Shakes / Sugar High / Lil' Chewy
The Parting Gifts / My Baby Tonight / In the Red
Monkey 101 / Burgundy Wine / Sister Raygun Records
Petey J. Cool / Bombs Away / Self-released
Young Fresh Fellows / Black Boots / Yep Roc Records
Kid Gulliver / Boy in a Bubble / Red on Red
The Reducers / Nothing Cool / Rave on Records
Dany Laj and the Looks / Smile / We are Busy Bodies
James DiGirolamo / The Girl Who Has Everything / Self-released
The Armoires / Awkward City Limits / Big Stir
The Daylilies / Stockholm Syndrome / Red on Red
Theatre Royal / Tune Out / Vacilando '68 Recordings
Dan Montgomery / Still Want You / Fantastic Yes
Dexter Romweber / Rockin' Dead Man / Yep Roc
Heavy Trash / Crazy Pretty Baby / Yep Roc
Nick Lowe / Wishing Well / Demon
James & The Ultrasounds / Party Dracula / MADJACK Records
Dree Leer / Run Away / Betttamax
Cherry Pickles / Good Girl Bad Seeds / PNKSLM Recordings
The Muffs / Like You Don't See Me / Cherry Red Records
