We interrupt your WWE previews with a special event - an AEW show! It’s time for AEW’s fourth supershow of the year, Full Gear! If there’s anything we need now, it’s a new show from the kids who used to run with the Bullet Club and superkick everyone.
Going into the show, the main storylines (of course) involve the Elite being fine - the Young Bucks and Kenny Omega have all been sliding more and more into heel tendencies even if there’s no reason any fan will ever rightfully boo them. They have the anti-John Cena effect. In the Omega/Page dynamic, I think it works - Page is more sympathetic since he is by far the underdog in their match up. With the Bucks and FTR - no matter how heelish the Bucks want to be, FTR are natural heels. They’re managed by Tully fucking Blanchard! He’s like the one Horseman who was just an all out dick! Outside of that we have Jon Moxley (formerly WWE’s Dean Ambrose) defending his AEW title against new-signy and welcome-challenger Eddie Kingston, and Cody defending his TNT title against Jeff Hardy 2.0 Darby Allin. Let’s get to it!

Because the Quixo-offices are less in-tune with the stylings of AEW (to be fair, it is on against our darling NXT) so any wrong guesses will not count against us in the Quixotronic Wrestling Shame Challenge (trademark pending) (and assuming the other two get back to me about picks - it might just be free points for me!). We would have been more prepared if it wasn’t for the #quixotine when we were supposed to see Dynamite live back in April or even for the original reschedule date of October 28th! We were supposed to be at an AEW show two weeks ago! But no, #quixotine it is. But let’s check in with what happened last time...
Previously on Fanboy Wrestletronic…
Standings going into WWE Hell in a Cell 2020
First Place: Kyle, 60% (58-38)
Second Place: Tim, 54% (32-27)
Third Place: Ryan, 48% (19-21)
WWE Hell in a Cell results & scores:
WWE Universal Title Hell in a Cell I Quit Match: Jey Uso vs Roman Reigns ©
Your Winner: Roman Reigns
Kyle: Roman Reigns (1-0 / 59-38)
Ryan: Jey Uso (0-1 / 19-22)
Tim: Roman Reigns (1-0 / 33-27)
Elias vs Jeff Hardy
Your Winner: Elias (by DQ)
Kyle: Elias (2-0 / 60-38)
Ryan: Elias (1-1 / 20-22)
Tim: Elias (2-0 / 34-27)
Money in the Bank Contract Match: The Miz vs Otis Dozovic
Your Winner: The Miz
Kyle: The Miz (3-0 / 61-38)
Ryan: Otis Dozovic (1-2 / 20-23)
Tim: The Miz (3-0 / 35-27)
WWE Smackdown Women’s Title Hell in a Cell Match: Sasha Banks vs Bayley ©
Your Winner, and NEW WWE Smackdown Women’s Champion: Sasha Banks
Kyle: Sasha Banks (4-0 / 62-38)
Ryan: Sasha Banks (2-2 / 21-23)
Tim: Sasha Banks (4-0 / 36-27)
WWE United States Title Match: Shane Thorne vs Bobby Lashley ©
Your Winner: Bobby Lashley
Kyle: n/a
Ryan: n/a
Tim: n/a
WWE World Title Hell in a Cell Match: Randy Orton vs Drew McIntyre ©
Your Winner, and NEW WWE World Champion: Randy Orton
Kyle: Drew McIntyre (4-1 / 62-39)
Ryan: Drew McIntyre (2-3 / 21-24)
Tim: Drew McIntyre (4-1 / 36-28)

And now the conclusion…
New standings going into AEW Full Gear 2020:
First Place: Kyle, 61% (62-39)
Second Place: Tim, 56% (36-28)
Third Place: Ryan, 47% (21-24)
Who will survive!?
If you want to watch AEW Full Gear live on Saturday, you’ll want to purchase it on Bleacher Report Live. Until then, here’s your Quixotronic preview of the show.
AEW Full Gear 2020

NWA Worlds Women’s Title Match: Allysin Kay vs Serena Deeb ©
The Background: Allysin Kay lost the NWA Worlds Women’s title back in January at NWA Hard Times to Thunder Rosa. Rosa has spent her #quixotine getting ready to defend her title and showed up on the September 9th Dynamite in preparation for a champion vs champion match with Hikaru Shida at AEW All Out 2020 that Shida won (only Shida's AEW title was on the line). The two even teamed with each other against Diamante & Ivelisse on the September 23rd Dynamite. However, Serena Deeb defeated Rosa for the NWA title on the October 27th UWN Primetime Live. Now the new NWA champion will face the former NWA champion on the pre-show of an AEW show.
Fanboy Fantasy: I don’t have much story beyond the two have a solid 10 minutes to go and Deeb retains her title. I would add NWA Worlds Heavyweight champion Nick Aldis on commentary to help put over the NWA and to tease future work with not only the NWA as a whole but specifically with its two top champions.
Quixotronic Bullpen Predictions:
Kyle: Serena Deeb - I love long title reigns so I can’t go against the new champ, even if Kay regaining the title wouldn’t be a shock.
Ryan: TBD
Tim: TBD

John Silver vs Orange Cassidy
The Background: Um… John Silver is the tiny dwarf man who lives for the Dark Order even though they all hate him. Orange Cassidy is here - I’m not sure how to explain him. Honestly this was supposed to be on the pre-show so I wasn’t going to write about it. The two are angry at each other for reasons and will now fight. The two both have far more character development on Being the Elite - I really wish they would fold that into Dynamite.
Fanboy Fantasy: John Silver goes full force out and does not accomplish anything. Orange Cassidy barely lifts a finger and causes all the damage. Silver sells literally everything Cassidy barely throws at him. However, I’d have Silver surprise everyone with a quick rollup for the win. Orange Cassidy doesn’t react to the loss at all but Silver is ecstatic. He can use this one win as fuel for fun in upcoming episodes of Being the Elite and get a chance to yell at Brodie Lee for once (before Lee shuts him down of course). Basically I want John Silver to be happy for a few minutes, okay?

Quixotronic Bullpen Predictions:
Kyle: Orange Cassidy - Cassidy is coming off defeating Chris Jericho at the last AEW PPV so I don’t see him losing to John Silver, no matter how god damn delightful Silver is on Being the Elite.
Ryan: TBD
Tim: TBD

If MJF wins, he joins the Inner Circle: Chris Jericho vs MJF
The Background: Chris Jericho spent the summer feuding with Orange Cassidy which led to a Mimosa Mayhem match at AEW All Out 2020 which was won by Mr. Cassidy by punching Jericho into a giant vat of mimosa. Wrestling! MJF on the other hand spent the summer campaigning as the uncrowned AEW Champion until he was defeated by AEW Champion Jon Moxley at the same show. After their losing efforts, Jericho and MJF started circling each other immediately on the September 9th Dynamite by passive aggressively complementing each other. The two had a stare down after MJF inserted himself into the “30 Years of Jericho” celebration on the October 7th Dynamite, and MJF made his intentions to join the Inner Circle clear on the October 14th Dynamite. History was then made on the October 21st Dynamite when the two participated in “Le Dinner Debonaire”. Watch it. Watch it now. Finally on the October 28th Dynamite they decided that they must fight over MJF joining the Inner Circle - if he can beat Jericho, he’s in. If not, well, then not. On the go-home show November 4th Dynamite, MJF and Wardlow defeated Inner Circle goons Sammy Guevara and Ortiz for ever-important momentum.
Fanboy Fantasy: MJF clearly wins and joins the Inner Circle. He of course is able to weasel Wardlow into the Inner Circle also. MJF starts driving a wedge between IC and Santana and Ortiz until they ultimately leave the group. Next MJF convinces the IC to let Lance Archer (and by proxy Jake Roberts) into the group, followed by tricking Jake Hager out of the group. Next in are Kip Sabian and Miro, followed by Sammy Guevara getting kicked out. At this point it's Jericho and a group he did not compile - and he and MJF must fight again.

Quixotronic Bullpen Predictions:
Kyle: MJF - the comedy is in MJF joining the Inner Circle and passive aggressively causing Jericho all the trouble. There’s no fun with MJF not doing that.
Ryan: TBD
Tim: TBD

Elite Deletion Match: Matt Hardy vs Sammy Guevara
The Background: Matt Hardy and Sammy Guevara met at AEW All Out 2020 in a Broken Rules match, which was just a Last Man Standing match that also involved Hardy taking a hard spill through a table and gaining a concussion before (unfortunately) finishing the match. On the October 14th Dynamite Hardy returned and announced he was medically cleared to compete again, and the two will settle their differences in an Elite Deletion match.
Fanboy Fantasy: Sammy wins while also not killing Hardy. My brain is still fried from the continuity of the Firefly Funhouse match and Hardy Compound Exorcism matches I booked for WrestleMania 37 and my brain is all Ultimate Deletion-ed out. Assume it's bonkers.
Quixotronic Bullpen Predictions:
Kyle: Sammy Guervara - Hardy won last time so I see Sammy picking up the rematch. Hardy is a veteran and doesn’t need the win and also seems to be slowly sliding into a more managerial role with Private Party.
Ryan: TBD
Tim: TBD

#1 Contendership to the AEW World Title Match: Adam Page vs Kenny Omega
The Background: Adam Page and Kenny Omega beat SCU to become the second AEW Tag Team champions in the before-times on the January 22nd Dynamite during Chris Jericho’s Rock n’ Wrestling Rager at Sea cruise. That is all a correct statement. The unlikely duo held onto the titles all through the spring and summer until their chemistry began to fade and they fell to FTR at AEW All Out 2020. Adam Page has continued to do cowboy shit (aka drink alcohol) while Omega has been leaning more and more into his old Cleaner persona, deciding to annihilate opponents as quickly as possible as the two apparently agreed to try out the singles division instead of continuing as a team. A #1 contendership tournament was announced on the September 30th Dynamite and both men quickly joined, ending on opposite sides of the brackets. The tournament began on the October 21st Dynamite with Wardlow, Rey Fenix, Omega, and Page all advancing. The tournament semi-finals concluded on the October 28th Dynamite with Omega defeating Pentagon Jr (replacing his brother who was injured in their prior match) and Page defeating Wardlow. Now the two will fight for #1 contendership and to a lesser extent their broken and fragile friendship. During interviews on the November 4th Dynamite, Omega said he was destined to win the tournament, while Page more somberly said he doesn’t know what he’ll do if he doesn’t win - it will just be him and his whiskey. There was a sliver of hope in their friendship - both came to the save for the Young Bucks after an attack by FTR.
Fanboy Fantasy: Omega comes out in full Street Fighter garb with many Japanese gamer-women accompanying him. Page comes out on a fucking horse. The two fight and Omega clearly has the advantage for the first half of the match. At this point the Young Bucks make their way to the apron to watch their friends. Page starts gaining the advantage and Omega (and the Bucks) are visibly surprised. Omega gets pissed at this and finally just hits the One Wingled Angel. And then another one. And then a third before finally going for the pin. After the win Omega starts to beat on Page more and more until the Bucks (after a long pause) slide into the ring and get Omega off Page. However, they make sure Omega is alright - not Page. After long enough for the announcers to point this out, Nick finally checks on Page but he shrugs him off and slides out of the ring and heads to the back alone and angry.
Quixotronic Bullpen Predictions:
Kyle: Kenny Omega - Omega is the top candidate to end Moxley’s currently 9-month reign as champion. The two fought at last year’s Full Gear in a Light Out match with Moxley picking up the win. Who better than to avenge his loss than a fully heel Cleaner-era Kenny Omega.
Ryan: TBD
Tim: TBD

AEW Women’s Title Match: Nyla Rose vs Hikaru Shida ©
The Background: Hikaru Shida defeated Nyla Rose to win the AEW Women’s title back at AEW Double or Nothing 2020 in May. Since then she has pretty much defeated everyone on the women’s roster that isn’t injured (cough Britt Baker and Kris Statlander cough) to the point where at AEW All Out 2020 she faced the NWA Worlds Women’s Champion Thunder Rosa, successfully defending her title (the NWA Worlds Women’s title was not on the line). Since she has beaten everyone, she has challenged Nyla Rose again.
Fanboy Fantasy: Shida defeats Rose. That’s all. I got nothing for this.
Quixotronic Bullpen Predictions:
Kyle: Hikaru Shida - We’re officially killing time until Britt Baker is healthy and available or when Thunder Rosa can sign (and that’s about a year away I think - long live the NWA!)
Ryan: TBD
Tim: TBD

AEW TNT Title Match: Darby Allin vs Cody Rhodes ©
The Background: After losing the AEW TNT title to Brodie Lee on the August 22nd Dynamite, Rhodes was able to regain the title after a brutal dog collar match on the October 7th Dynamite. Somewhere in there Darby Allin challenged Rhodes for the title, and having a 0-2-1 record against Cody he is looking to get that first win and the title. After a match against the Dark Order on the November 4th Dynamite, Rhodes called out Darby Allin and told him that he’d love him to win the TNT title except for the fact that he currently holds it. However the most important thing is that Cody may actually be able to go by “Cody Rhodes” again now that WWE has not renewed its copyright on the name. We here at Quixotronic will continue to call him “Cody Rhodes” no matter what because it’s best for business.
Fanboy Fantasy: During the match, Brodie Lee and the Dark Order come out and try to interfere but Cody and Darby are able to have a mid-match team-up and they hold the Order off. Once the referees successfully get them out, Brian Cage and Ricky Starks of Team Taz slide in from the opposite side of the ring to interfere but again Cody and Darby are able to fight them off together. The two are able to pause long enough and reset that they begin their match again and Allin picks up the win. It’s important to show that there is a shit ton of obvious interference but no one is able to actually attack Cody or Darby and they accomplish nothing in causing either man to win because of said shit ton of interference. Cody offers his hand to the new champ and they shake. Perhaps even Darby Allin can join the Nightmare Family later on?
Quixotronic Bullpen Predictions:
Kyle: Cody Rhodes - I want want want Allin to get that first win off Rhodes and to a lesser point the TNT title, but I think I will be disappointed again.
Ryan: TBD
Tim: TBD

AEW World Title I Quit Match: Eddie Kingston vs Jon Moxley ©
The Background: Back at AEW All Out 2020, Lance Archer won the Casino Battle Royal to become the #1 contender for Jon Moxley’s AEW World title while Moxley successfully defended his belt against MJF. However, as is the way now, Archer got COVID which pushed his title shot off a few weeks, and in the meantime newly-signed Eddie Kingston filled the hole using the fact that he was never officially eliminated from the Casino Battle Royal. Kingston received a title shot on the September 23rd Dynamite but lost due to referee stoppage when he passed out in a sleeper hold. Kingston lackey Butcher lost to Moxley on the September 30th Dynamite, and Archer returned for his title shot and subsequent loss to Moxley on the October 14th Dynamite. Post-match Kingston returned with his stable including the Lucha Brothers (Pentagon Jr & Rey Fenix) and the Butcher and the Blade to attack Moxley once again and challenged him to an I Quit match - Kingston never actually gave up in his last title match.
Fanboy Fantasy: Going against the last match with all of the interference, despite having four men who currently follow him, Kingston orders everyone to stay out of his match - he wants to make Moxley quit all by himself. Kingston and Moxley go on to have a bloody brutal match where they both bleed far more than they should and practically kill themselves. It gets to the point where the referee asks Kingston if he quits and he says in defeat “Yes!” but Moxley stops the referee from calling for the bell because Kingston didn’t specifically say “I quit!” for a small nod to the classic Tully Blanchard/Magnum TA match from NWA Starrcade 1985 (look it up!). Kingston relents and says the very specific words and Moxley retains. This brings out the Lucha Brothers and Butcher/Blade but Kingston waves them off - to quote the podcast Small Town Murder, he may be an asshole, but he’s not a scumbag, and Moxley was the better man tonight. Whereas Cody/Darby had a heart-felt handshake, Moxley/Kingston have a very tense handshake.
Quixotronic Bullpen Predictions:
Kyle: Jon Moxley - Omega/Moxley II is the money match, and Kingston is great but he’s not getting in the middle of that.
Ryan: TBD
Tim: TBD

AEW Tag Team Titles Match: Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) vs FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) ©
The Background: FTR, formerly The Revival in WWE, won the AEW Tag Team championship beating Adam Page & Kenny Omega in AEW All Out 2020. At the same show, the Young Bucks defeated Jurassic Express members Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus. On the September 23rd Dynamite FTR announced they would defend their titles in “20 minutes brush with greatness” matches - simply specifying that the 20 minute time limit is in effect. On the October 21st Dynamite, the Young Bucks (who have been acting more as cocky heels as they used to be when in Bullet Club) won a four-way match against Butcher & Blade, the Dark Order (Alex Reynolds & John Silver), and Private Party (Isaih Kassidy & Marq Quen) to win a title shot at Full Gear. However FTR and their manager Tully Blanchard attacked Matt Jackson’s leg immediately after the match. The Young Bucks have also decided to make it interesting so if they lose, they’ll never be able to challenge for the titles again.
Fanboy Fantasy: First, despite the not-great build, this should be the main event since technically we’ve been building to this match since The Revival was still in WWE and the Elite coined the term “FTR” on Being the Elite by yelling “FUCK THE REVIVAL!” It was mostly Cody. While we tease Matt’s bum leg, the Bucks also are able to stay pretty evenly in the match. FTR regains the advantage so the Bucks superkick the ref and everything devolves from there and the Bucks steal the pin once a second referee shows up for the titles. After they get the belts they superkick the second ref and then both Cash and Dax again. Tully runs out with Shawn Spears who evens things out but this only brings out Omega who cleans house (pun intended?). Next out is Page, bandaged up from his match with Omega from before, who immediately goes after Omega. The tide doesn’t fully turn until Page goes on to attack the Bucks and stands tall with FTR and Spears with Tully on the side.
Quixotronic Bullpen Predictions:
Kyle: FTR - Cody already pulled a “if I lose I can’t challenge for the title” with a loss to then-AEW Champion Chris Jericho so now we have the TNT title. So FTR will win and the Young Bucks will debut the new TNT Tag Team titles or they’ll just straight up say they lied. They’re heels! For some reason!
Ryan: TBD
Tim: TBD
That’s it for our AEW Full Gear 2020 preview. We’ll be back later this month with a preview and fantasy booking of WWE Survivor Series (Nov. 25) and next month with NXT Takeover 32 (Dec. 6) and WWE TLC (Dec. 20).
Thanks for joining us again and be sure to subscribe on Facebook and follow https://www.quixotronic.com/ for more questionable content.