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Fanboy Wrestletronic: AEW Double or Nothing 2021

Writer's picture: Kyle DavisKyle Davis

Updated: Feb 20, 2022

Hey, we actually got around to making a new AEW preview! Going back and seeing what we actually wrote, it looks like we’re averaging every other AEW show since we last did Novembers AEW Full Gear 2020 and before that last year’s AEW Double or Nothing 2020. So I guess I can’t guarantee an All Out 2021 preview, but I’m sure we’ll be back with November's Full Gear 2021?*

*This is not an actual guarantee.

So as I was writing up my very important fantasy version of this show that I know you’ve all been looking forward to, news (well, rumors) broke that apparently according to some sources that perhaps the promotions known as World Wrestling Entertainment (moving forward referred to as “WWE”) and New Japan Pro Wrestling (moving forward referred to as “NJPW”) were…. In talks! Can you believe it!?!?! They are in talks!!!! Wrestling Twitter freaked the fuck out with inter-promotional match-up ideas and wishes from both bums like us and actual wrestlers. Can you believe it!?

So yeah, that might happen. It’ll be cool if it does. It makes me think that more and more my Quixo-Great American Bash show doesn’t sound as far fetched as it did back in January which is very weird. Of course, the nice thing about this inter-promotional work lately has that every major non-WWE player has been involved… but if NJPW and WWE signed a deal, that would probably be more exclusive, you know? And I don’t like that as much? In a perfect world, they would all start sharing their independent contractors (which would maybe make that whole idea slightly more realistic?) but you know WWE would lock that down with NJPW. Here’s Tony Khan’s response via Twitter:

I actually forgot that Tony Khan was referring to himself as the Forbidden Door. Even here Tony Khan’s promo assumes that a NJPW/WWE deal would be exclusively NJPW and WWE with no room for anyone else. At least it’ll lead to more Tony Khan manic promos where’s both the smartest guy and dorkiest guy in the room, something we here at Quixo strive for. Oh it’s just me? Eh, I know where I stand.

So what WWE/NJPW matches would I want? Admittedly my NJPW knowledge is no where near my WWE knowledge (notice how we may have 2 previous AEW previews but 0 NJPW previews), but I’d love to see:

  • Kazuchika Okada vs Roman Reigns

  • Guerrillas of Destiny (Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa) w/ Haku vs Usos (Jey & Jimmy Uso) w/ Rikishi

  • Finn Balor vs Jay White

  • Bobby Lashley vs Tomohiro Ishii

But currently Bullet Club member KENTA gets the win for his suggested match:

So will WWE/NJPW happen? Who knows. Can we dream? Of course, that’s the whole basis of these articles and why wrestling is great. Could it somehow work where everyone worked together? Wrestling seems to be far more open to cooperation than ever before so you never know.

Let's check in with the first round of the all-new all-different Quixotronic Wrestling Shame Challenge!

Previously on Fanboy Wrestletronic…

Standings going into WWE WrestleMania Backlash 2021 :

First Place: Andy 0% (0-0)

First Place: Kyle 0% (0-0)

First Place: Ryan 0% (0-0)

First Place: Tim 0% (0-0)

WWE WrestleMania Backlash 2021 results :

Ricochet vs Sheamus

Your Winner : Sheamus

Andy: n/a (0-0)

Kyle: n/a (0-0)

Ryan: n/a (0-0)

Tim: n/a (0-0)

WWE Raw Women's Title Match : Asuka vs Charlotte Flair vs Asuka ©

Your Winner, and STILL WWE Raw Women's Champion : Rhea Ripley

Andy: Charlotte Flair (0-1)

Kyle: Charlotte Flair (0-1)

Ryan: Rhea Ripley (1-0)

Tim: Rhea Ripley (1-0)

WWE Smackdown Tag Team Titles Match : Los Mysterios (Dominik & Rey Mysterio) vs Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode ©

Your Winners, and NEW WWE Smackdown Tag Team Champions : Los Mysterios

Andy: Dirty Dawgs (0-2)

Kyle: Los Mysterios (1-1)

Ryan: Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode (1-1)

Tim: The Mysterii (2-0)

Lumberjack Match : Damian Priest vs the Miz

Your Winner : Damian Priest

Andy: The Miz (0-3)

Kyle: Damian Priest (2-1)

Ryan: Damian Priest (2-1)

Tim: Damian Priest (3-0)

WWE Smackdown Women's Title Match : Bayley vs Bianca Belair ©

Your Winner, and STILL WWE Smackdown Women's Champion : Bianca Belair

Andy: Bayley (0-4)

Kyle: Bianca Belair (3-1)

Ryan: Bianca Belair (3-1)

Tim: Bianca Belair (4-0)

WWE World Title Match : Braun Strowman vs Drew McIntyre vs Bobby Lashley ©

Your Winner, and STILL WWE World Champion : Bobby Lashley

Andy: Drew McIntyre (0-5)

Kyle: Bobby Lashley (4-1)

Ryan: Bobby Lashley (4-1)

Tim: Bobby Lashley (5-0)

WWE Universal Title Match : Cesaro vs Roman Reigns ©

Your Winner, and STILL WWE Universal Champion : Roman Reigns

Andy: Cesaro (0-6)

Kyle: Roman Reigns (5-1)

Ryan: Roman Reigns (5-1)

Tim: Roman Reigns (6-0)

And now the conclusion…

New standings after WWE WrestleMania Backlash 2021 :

First Place: Tim 100% (6-0)

Second Place: Kyle 83.3% (5-1)

Second Place: Ryan 83.3% (5-1)

Third Place: Andy 0% (0-6)

Who will survive!?

If you want to watch AEW Double or Nothing 2021 live on Sunday, you’ll want to check it out on Bleacher Report Live. Until then, here’s your Quixotronic preview of the show.


AEW Double or Nothing 2021

Casino Battle Royal Match for a future AEW World Title Shot

20 of 21 announced: Anthony Bowens, Blade, Brian Pillman Jr, Christian Cage, Colt Cabana, Dustin Rhodes, Evil Uno, Griff Garrison, Isiah Kassidy, Jungle Boy, Lee Johnson, Marq Quen, Matt Hardy, Matt Sydal, Max Caster, Nick Comoroto, Penta el Zero Miedo, Powerhouse Hobbes, Preston Vance, QT Marshall

The Background: This is a throw-everyone-in-who-doesn't-have-a-match match with the extra special bonus stipulation of the winner gets a future shot at the AEW World Title currently held by Kenny Omega (though maybe Orange Cassidy or PAC after the show?). The rules are similar-ish to a Royal Rumble, but not the same for copyright purposes. Every wrestler draws a card, and then five wrestlers with the same card suit (so let's say spades) start the match. Three minutes later, five more wrestlers with a different suit (now hearts!) join the match. Three minutes later, the next suit, three minutes later, the last suit. Three minutes more, and the wrestler who drew the Joker card enters as the last entrant. Eliminations are by throwing your opponent over the top rope and both feet hitting the floor. Like I said, it's close but we're going for the Rumble's foreign non-union equivalent. Oh, and did somebody say.... three minutes?

Fanboy Fantasy: The first suit, spades, comes out and we get Griff Garrison, Marq Quen, Isiah Kassidy, QT Marshall, and Christian Cage. Private Party immediately start double teaming the other three while Garrison and Christian start to work together and Marshall tries to hide in the corner. Private Party are able to eliminate Garrison as the next suit, diamonds, enters and we get Matt Hardy, Lee Johnson, Anthony Bowens, Brian Pillman Jr, and Powerhouse Hobbs. Lee Johnson and QT Marshall eliminate each other, and Christian takes out Bowens. Powerhouse Hobbs goes after Christian and literally throws Pillman Jr at him, eliminating the other Varsity Blondes member. Before the four heels can destroy Christian, the next suit, clubs, enters giving us Penta el Zero Miedo, Blade, Jungle Boy, Matt Sydal, and Nick Comoroto. Matt Hardy is eliminated on accident from miscommunication with Private Party, followed by Pentagon Jr and Jungle Boy double dropkicking Private Party out. Hobbs continues to go after Christian while Sydal is able to eliminate Nick Comoroto of the Factory. The last suit, hearts, enters giving us Colt Cabana, Dustin Rhodes, Evil Uno, Max Caster, and Preston Vance. Christian finally overpowers and eliminated Hobbs while Penta el Zero Miedo eliminates Evil Uno and Preston Vance of the Dark Order. Colt Cabana takes care of Blade while Jungle Boy is able to eliminate Matt Sydal when the Joker appears - Bryan Danielson! The other six allow Danielson to enter and Dustin Rhodes even offers his hand. Danielson gladly takes it - and whips Rhodes into the ropes and eliminates him. The American Dragon is not fucking around. Christian, Pentagon, and Danielson center in on eachother while Jungle Boy, Colt Cabana, and Max Caster avoid them. Caster eliminates Cabana, and Jungle Boy and Caster both topple over - Caster is eliminated but Jungle Boy holds on. Christian and Danielson briefly team-up to eliminate Pentagon Jr, leaving the two and Jungle Boy. Danielson talks Jungle Boy into helping him with Christian, but Jungle Boy is visibly conflicted. Christian eyes up Jungle Boy, tells him he understands, and the two lock up with Danielson directing Jungle Boy's movements. Jack Perry is able to get Christian to the ropes when Danielson easily eliminates Christian. Danielson and Jungle Boy go on to wrestle for a solid five minutes until by pure luck, Jungle Boy eliminates Danielson! Jungle Boy is getting an AEW World title shot! Tony Schiavone gets to Danielson before he leaves and asks him flat out: has he signed with All Elite Wrestling? Nope! He had to see what was going on here, so he had his people file the paperwork and he joined the Casino Battle Royal. But he has more exploring to do before he returns to AEW. He needs to check out the current wrestling territories. When he returns, he won't need a contract: he'll have the "forbidden key."

Quixotronic Bullpen Predictions:

Kyle: Penta el Zero Miedo - I'm torn between Pentagon Jr, Jungle Boy and Christian Cage, but I think it's still too early for that sweet sweet Christian/Omega match. I'd like to see Jungle Boy go the distance, but Penta can be set up as a legitimate threat.

Ryan: TBD

Tim: TBD

Andy: TBD

Anthony Ogogo (w/ QT Marshall) vs Cody Rhodes (w/ Arn Anderson)

The Background: This match has spilled out of the brief (but really as long as it needed to be?) feud between Cody Rhodes and former Nightmare Family member QT Marshall. Marshall has been the disgruntled member of the Nightmare Family for a while, breaking off his team with Cody's brother Dustin Rhodes, and on multiple occasions was the last to help out when others attacked Cody. Finally on the March 31st Dynamite, Cody and Marshall were to have a good-spirited match but Marshall formally turned on the Nightmare Family by clocking Arn Anderson while former Nightmare Family members Aaron Solow, Nick Comoroto, and former-boxer Anthony Ogogo all joined Marshall in the fight. Two weeks later, Ogogo had his debut match on the April 14th Dynamite squashing Cole Carter, and then attacked Rhodes outright on the May 5th Blood & Guts Dynamite after Cody finally defeated Marshall in a match. The next week on the May 12th Dynamite, an impassioned Cody Rhodes not only challenged Ogogo to a match, but also discussed many topics such as the Department of Transportation, work visas, his biracial daughter, oh, and the fact that he is dropping the American Nightmare name and will face Ogogo as the American Dream Cody Rhodes.

Fanboy Fantasy: Ogogo, despite apparently having a broken rib, comes out strong and boxes Cody into the corner. Cody has trouble blocking Ogogo's fists because he's a boxer? QT Marshall celebrates on the outside while Arn does his best to coach Cody out of the corner. Ogogo starts showboating early giving Cody a minute to recover and turn the tide. Cody hits some Dusty Classics and quickly finishes up with the Cross Rhodes to finish Ogogo just as quickly as Ogogo started. In the coming weeks we get training montages of Ogogo recovering from his broken rib and when he's ready, he destroys Rhodes just as fast.

Quixotronic Bullpen Predictions:

Kyle: Cody Rhodes - I kinda want Ogogo to knock Cody out? But you don't just start using the American Dream name only to lose. Right? Oh shit, it's going to be a Dusty finish, isn't it? Shit.

Ryan: Cody Rhodes

Tim: Anthony Ogogo

Andy: Cody Rhodes

Adam Page vs Brian Cage

The Background: Adam Page left AEW Revolution 2021 on the winning side after defeating Matt Hardy, and while he hasn't officially joined the Dark Order after multiple woo-ing attempts, he has clearly gained a few drinking buddies. Page kept up his winning ways with a win over former NXT jobber Cezar Bononi on the March 24th Dynamite, Max Caster on the April 7th Dynamite, and Team Taz member and former NWA Television champion Ricky Starks on the April 21st Dynamite. Unfortunately fellow Team Taz member Brian Cage took that personally and pinned Page the next week on the April 28th Dynamite in what I think was Page's first loss of 2021. Brian Cage likewise I believe only has one loss this year, but that was at AEW Revolution 2021 when he and Starks lost to Darby Allin and Sting. So you know, it's not like he was going to win that anyway. It's Stiiiiiiiiiing! Page and Cage will now fight again to see who gets that second 2021 loss.

Fanboy Fantasy: Cage starts out strong (because he's very big and strong) but Page doesn't quit. Taz causes shenanigans, but the Dark Order chase Ricky Starks and Hook out of the arena and Taz back to commentary. Hangman is able to pin Brian Cage for the win and celebrates by grabbing Cage's FTW title and yelling that he is now the For the Win champion! As he runs to the back, Taz can be heard yelling that that's not what it fucking means! It's Fuck the World! Fuck the Wooooooorld! On the next Dyanamite, Page officially redubs the FTW title as the For the Win title because "fuck the world" is childish and very 90's. Team Taz complain that the title was never on the line, but Page cites the legal briefing of Finders v. Keepers. But best of all: the Dark Order helped Page win the title, so he considers it all of theirs, and any of them can defend the title if they want because they're friends! Taz loses it and chokes out Page, but the Dark Order make the save and hold onto their collective title. For the rest of the summer Team Taz isn't able to get a title opportunity while various Dark Order members and Page all get wins while defending their title, sometimes even against themselves. By the fall, Colt Cabana is clearly having the most fun with the title and defends it on most AEW Dark episodes. He even wins the BTE title on an episode of Being the Elite, giving the Dark Order two joke titles that they collectively defend but now also in tag team matches! Obviously they're now the BTEFTW title. Into the fall though, Colt Cabana gets a special request for a title(s) match on Dynamite. But that, dear reader, will be continued later on the fantasy card.

Quixotronic Bullpen Predictions:

Kyle: Adam Page - I believe we're going to build Page up as the one to finally take the title off Kenny Omega in the end. They were best friends and tag team champions for a minute there... so... continuity?

Ryan: Adam Page

Tim: Brian Cage

Andy: Brian Cage

Darby Allin & Sting vs Ethan Page & Scorpio Sky

The Background: Stiiiiiiiiiiiiing made his return to wrestling on the December 2nd Winter is Coming Dynamite when it was discovered that he is the winter that was coming. Seriously, it snows when he enters the ring. It's pretty cool? Pun intended. Cody Rhodes and Darby Allin were getting beat down by Team Taz members Brian Cage, Ricky Starks, and Powerhouse Hobbs when Sting made the save. Sting made a similar save on the December 16th Dynamite, and he and Allin made this thing official when the two accepted Team Taz's challenge to a match at AEW Revolution 2021 in a Street Fight. At the same show, Scorpio Sky won the Face the Revolution Ladder Match giving him a title shot at Darby Allin's AEW TNT (soon to be TBS?) title. Allin defeated Sky on the March 10th Dynamite but didn't take the loss to well as he attacked Allin post-match. After fine-tuning their team on AEW Dark and AEW Dark Elevation (sorry, I don't care enough about them to get show links), Sky and Ethan Page attacked Allin again on the April 21st Dynamite after a win over Jungle Boy, and again on the April 28th Dynamite after a win over Preston Vance (Dark Order's "5"). Sting was able to help fight them back each time, but on the May 5th Blood & Guts Dynamite, they were able to get past Sting and literally throw Allin down the Daly's Place steps in what looked far more horrific than anything they do in the ring. Sometimes you gotta keep in simple. Now the two teams will face off.

Fanboy Fantasy: As far as I can tell this is simply a "tag team match," not a street fight so I think it's actually in the Daly's Place ring? In that case, we do a standard Rock n' Roll Express match so Darby Allin starts and hangs out for 10 minutes getting the crap kicked out of him. As the second coming of Jeff Hardy, this part is easy. Sky and Page work like a well oiled machine but can't keep Allin down, but at least they can keep him away from Sting. Allin is practically dead when he's able to Ricky Morton his way over to Sting's Robert Gibson and make The Hot Tag. Sting dispatches the bad guys, locks the Scorpion Deathlock on Page, and we get a tap-out victory for Sting and Darby Allin. With a 2-0 record, this puts them on the Young Bucks' radar because hey - they can end Sting once and for all, right? Plus Darby Allin is lucky to be able to stand in the Bucks' presence thanks to Sting being around. Darby and Sting get a Dynamite match or three to build up to a solid 5-0 and the Bucks decide that it's now time: at AEW All Out 2021, it's Sting/Allin vs the Young Bucks. There, Sting starts the match and we get a reversal with Sting in the Ricky Morton role, and the end comes when Darby Allin makes the strong save, hits a Coffin Drop for the win and take the titles away from the Young Bucks and the Bullet Club/Elite. Kenny Omega and the Good Brothers attack while Sting and Allin celebrate and Omega hits a hard One Winged Angel on Sting. The next week on Dynamite, the Bucks get a return match and regain the title after another Omega attack. This of course sets up: Sting vs Omega. We eventually get Sting vs Kenny Omega for the title on the 1-year anniversary Dynamite in December of both Sting's debut and of Omega's title win. Omega retains, but he'll soon have to deal with both Darby Allin and... well, that would be spoilers.

Quixotronic Bullpen Predictions:

Kyle: Ethan Page & Scorpio Sky - the voice in my head says "obviously Sting will win" but I think that was more obvious with his first match back against Cage and Starks. Now that he's in the thick of it... maybe he doesn't have to win? Allin's already a star now.. so maybe it's Sky and Page's turn for the rub?

Ryan: Darby Allin & Sting

Tim: Darby Allin & Sting

Andy: Darby Allin & Sting

Stadium Stampede Match : Inner Circle (Chris Jericho, Jake Hager, Ortiz, Sammy Guevara, & Santana) vs The Pinnacle (Cash Wheeler, Dax Harwood, MJF, Shawn Spears, & Wardlow), if the Inner Circle loses they must disband

The Background: Chris Jericho and MJF decided they saw a little of themselves in each other, so the woo-ing process began. After literally a whole dance number*, it was decided that MJF would join Jericho's Inner Circle... if he could defeat Jericho. And he did, at AEW Full Gear 2021, earning MJF and his partner Wardlow tickets into the Inner Circle. The new Inner Circle enjoyed bonding in Las Vegas, but the old Inner Circle (specifically Sammy Guevara) was not all too trusting of their new members. By the December 23rd Holiday Smash Dynamite, Jericho and MJF made it official and teamed together to defeat Top Flight (Darius Martin and Daunte Martin, formerly Mondo Lucha's Air Wolf and Angel Dorado). Tensions rose to the point of holding an Inner Circle tag team triple threat on the January 20th Dynamite where MJF & Jericho defeated Ortiz & Santana and Sammy Guevara & Jake Hager (collectively known as Sammy Hager) when MJF pinned Guevara. Guevara would briefly leave the Inner Circle while Jericho & MJF won #1 contendership to the AEW tag team titles on the February 3rd Beach Break Dynamite, but they failed at winning the titles from the Young Bucks at AEW Revolution 2021. Guevara returned on the March 10th Dynamite with proof that MJF was sabotaging the Inner Circle from the inside, and Jericho finally joined his teammates against MJF... until the lights went out and MJF's new muscles was introduced: Wardlow (obviously) and Tully Blanchard's associates Shawn Spears, Cash Wheeler, and Dax Harwood, now collectively known as The Pinnacle. The tables doth turn. After a few weeks off, Jericho and the Inner Circle challenged the Pinnacle to the long teased Blood & Guts match (WarGames' foreign non-union equivalent). The match lived up to the title and the Pinnacle defeated the Inner Circle on the May 5th Blood & Guts Dynamite because they're the new hotness. Because the Inner Circle just can't quit, they challenged the Pinnacle to one final match: a Stadium Stampede match (a backstage brawl on the Jacksonville Jaguar's field because Florida) that if the Inner Circle loses again, they'll disband.

*The whole dance number, because you should watch it again:

Fanboy Fantasy: It's Blood & Guts... just more spreadout? I'm really not sure what to do after Blood and Guts so.... Pinnacle wins again when Wardlow pins Chris Jericho. Sammy blames himself since he wasn't able to break the pin and he forfeited the Blood & Guts match, but Jericho doesn't blame him at all. In fact, on the next Dynamite, the official break up of the Inner Circle goes quite pleasantly. We get clips of their antics throughout the entire episode and it ends with a final group hug. Ortiz & Santana can finally refocus on the tag team division and become the ones to truly unseat the Young Bucks, Hager can hang around as Guevara's heater as he chases down Miro and his TNT title, and Jericho can go tour with Fozzy because he obviously hasn't been doing that at all during the #quixotine. At all.

Quixotronic Bullpen Predictions:

Kyle: The Pinnacle - they're the new hotness, and the Inner Circle as faces don't necessarily need to be an official group? Speaking of Fozzy, they will be playing at Brat Days in Sheboygan on August 7th - Quxio-office road trip? Let's do it for the clicks!

Ryan: Inner Circle

Tim: Inner Circle

Andy: Inner Circle

AEW TNT Title Match : Lance Archer vs Miro ©

The Background: Miro, formerly WWE's Rusev, debuted oddly enough on Rusev Day for AEW as Kip Sabian's "best man" for his wedding to Penelope Ford. Obviously. The wedding was held on the February 3rd Beach Break Dynamite but Miro was not able to handle his best man duties as Orange Cassidy showed up and ruined everything (thankfully Sabian and Ford got married at the Local Court House beforehand knowing that these things always end this way). Miro and Sabian got some revenge at AEW Revolution 2021 when they defeated Cassidy and Chuck Taylor, but they lost the war in an Arcade Anarchy match loss on the March 31st Dynamite when both Trent Beretta and Kris Statlander both returned from injury to help out Taylor and Cassidy. Miro was tired of the losses so he turned on Sabian on the April 28th Dynamite and then decided fuck it, I want the AEW TNT title and won the damn thing by randomly destroying and defeating (in that order) Darby Allin on the May 12th Dynamite. The Jake Roberts-backed Lance Archer has been acting as a second guardian to Darby Allin (and Jon Moxley) and challenged Miro himself since Allin is busy with Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page. I hope someone tells him their match will be on Rusev Day...

Fanboy Fantasy: The toys smash into each other for a few minutes until Miro wraps Archer's ponytail around his neck and hooks the Accolade and chokes Archer out for the win. On his way to the back, Miro gets in Jake Roberts' face and tells him he needs to fix his boy - cause Miro just broke him. We then start getting montages every week of Roberts and Archer training in the backwoods like when he debuted and Archer builds up wins to get a new title shot - this time on the 2021 special Halloween episode of Dynamite. Miro holds onto the TNT title long enough to see it become the TBS title next year.

Quixotronic Bullpen Predictions:

Kyle: Miro - it's Rusev Day. Miro Month? No, I don't like that. Rusev Day. Deal with it.

Ryan: Rusev

Tim: Rusev

Andy: Rusev

AEW Women's Title Match : Britt Baker vs Hikaru Shida ©

The Background: Britt Baker has been quite loudly crawling up the rankings while declaring herself the best woman on the AEW roster. While pulling in wins, she also feuded with NWA's Thunder Rosa, first beating her on the February 3rd Beach Break Dynamite. Baker and Thunder both failed to win a #1 contendership tournament, so the two met again on the March 17th St. Patrick's Day Slam Dynamite where Thunder Rosa defeated Baker in an unsanctioned lights out match. Buuuuut it was unsanctioned. So the loss didn't count. Brilliant. With a win on the May 5th Blood & Guts Dynamite, Baker was officially the top ranked contender - a fact she quickly celebrated. And what about current AEW Women's champion Hikaru Shida? She's held the title since last year's AEW Double or Nothing 2020 when she defeated Nyla Rose, and has defeated every challenger since: Thunder Rosa at AEW All Out 2020, Rose again at AEW Full Gear 2020, the Dark Order's Anna Jay on the November 25th Dynamite, Abadon on the January 6th New Year's Smash Dynamite, #1 contendership tournament winner Ryo Mizunami at AEW Revolution 2020, and Tay Conti on the April 21st Dynamite. Will Baker fall like the rest, or has Shida only survived this long because she hasn't faced Baker yet?

Fanboy Fantasy: Baker goes hard at Shida right away but is somehow surprised that the woman who's held the title for over a year is actually good. Rebel tries to interfere on Baker's behalf but nothing works. Baker makes Shida fight her for over twenty minutes (or whatever would be longer than the previous longest woman's match for AEW) but Shida is able to finish off Baker in the end. Rebel is able to pull Baker's leg onto the rope for a rope break, but the referee doesn't see it and Shida gets the win - which of course Baker complains about on the next Dynamite. It is eventually ruled that though she did not get the rope break on her own, her leg was on the rope so a rematch is signed for the first touring Dynamite in front of a live crowd (Miami on July 7th) as the main event - and it's there the Baker finally reaches her destiny as the new AEW Women's champion.

Quixotronic Bullpen Predictions:

Kyle: Britt Baker - she's not wrong when she says she's the best woman on the roster. She's certainly the only one with a character? Just imagine the celebration on next week's Dynamite.

Ryan: Hikaru Shida

Tim: Hikaru Shida

Andy: Britt Baker

AEW Tag Team Titles Match : Eddie Kingston & Jon Moxley vs the Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) ©

The Background: Jon Moxley successfully retained his AEW World title in an "I Quit" match against Eddie Kingston at AEW Full Gear 2020. Kingston was pissed he lost, but he respected Moxley for defeating him. The title reign didn't last much longer because Kenny Omega defeated Moxley for the AEW World title only a few weeks later on the December 2nd Winter is Coming Dynamite only to run away and maybe kinda sorta join Impact Wrestling with his manager Don Callis. Since then Moxley has had Omega in his sights, even though his Omega's been able to pull in NJPW Bullet Club associates like KENTA (briefly NXT's Hideo Itami) to go after Moxley's IWGP United States title because the "forbidden door" is open and you need a spreadsheet to follow some of this stuff. Moxley got his return match at AEW Revolution 2021 in an Exploding Death match where Omega won and then left Moxley to die via exploding death, but Eddie Kingston returned to save his friend. With the two now joined, they teamed to defeat Impact Wrestling's and Omega's Bullet Club associates the Good Brothers (Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson) on the March 17th St. Patrick's Day Slam Dynamite when the Young Bucks saved Moxley and Kingston from a Bullet Club beat down. Moxley teamed with the Young Bucks to take on Omega and the Good Brothers on the April 7th Dynamite - but the Young Bucks turned on him and re-joined Bullet Club because of course they did. Moxley and Kingston, now looking for revenge, have challenged for the Young Bucks' titles, and also may have stolen their shoes on the May 19th Dynamite because they could.

Fanboy Fantasy: Moxley and Kingston dominate early, but the flow the Young Bucks have becomes too much. The Young Bucks start to act like they have the easy win when Mox and Kingston are able to start regaining the advantage to the point where Don Callis (who is of course on commentary) starts yelling for the Good Brothers to take care of the situation. Gallows and Anderson show up and we get a rare DQ finish because fuck you the Bullet Club/Elite are bad guys. The Young Bucks are of course pissed that the Good Brothers thought they were needed, but they are loyal enough to Kenny Omega to look past it. Because Kenny is nuts, he decides that the two teams must fight for his love, so on a summer special episode of Dynamite we get the Good Brothers vs the Young Bucks for the titles, and the Young Bucks retain. At All Out they lose the titles to Sting and Darby Allin but regain them on the next Dynamite. It isn't until AEW's Halloween Dynamite that Proud & Powerful (Santana & Ortiz) finally beat the Young Bucks and take the belts away from Bullet Club/Elite for good.

Quixotronic Bullpen Predictions:

Kyle: Young Bucks - I don't see a need to take the belts off of the Young Bucks just yet.

Ryan: Eddie Kingston & Jon Moxley

Tim: Young Bucks

Andy: Eddie Kingston & Jon Moxley

AEW World Title Match : Orange Cassidy vs PAC vs Kenny Omega ©

The Background: Kenny Omega defeated Jon Moxley to win the AEW World title on the December 2nd Winter is Coming Dynamite - and celebrated by running out of Daly's Place with his friend Don Callis and hopping in a waiting limo. When asked what the deal was, Callis simply informed everyone: check out Impact Wrestling. And sure enough, the AEW champion appeared on the December 8th Impact on AXS, kicking down the "forbidden door." It was Omega and Callis who called in WWE's Chris Jericho about a possible Tokyo Dome match for NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 12 back in 2018. With that act, they started the path to AEW's existence, no one else. With the "forbidden door" down, Impact's then-tag team champions the Good Brothers (Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson) started joining Omega and Callis on both AEW and Impact television, like when they attacked Rey Fenix after his title match with Omega on the January 6th New Year's Smash Dynamite. Omega and the Good Brothers fought off Jon Moxley, PAC, and Rey Fenix on the February 3rd Beach Break Dynamite, and then Omega and KENTA defeated Moxley and Lance Archer on the February 10th Dynamite. Once Omega defeated Moxley again in AEW Revolution 2021's exploding death match, a new challenger needed to be determined. Orange Cassidy and PAC were to face off on the May 12th Dynamite, but their match was ruled a no contest... so they both win! Omega will have to face both in a triple threat match. Oh, and in the mean time over on the other channel, Omega defeated Rich Swann to win the Impact World title (and TNA World title?) at Impact Wrestling Rebellion 2021 to add to his collection (which now should include the AEW World title, the Impact World title, the TNA World title, and the AAA Mega Campeonato).

Fanboy Fantasy: PAC immediately goes for Omega while Omega immediacy goes for Cassidy who expertly jumps out of the way, allowing PAC to lock into Omega. PAC manhandles Omega and goes for a quick pin that Cassidy lightly kicks to break and PAC sells it like he's been hit with a bulldozer. PAC is a serious competitor. PAC glares at Cassidy and Orange just shrugs, allowing PAC to go back to twisting Omega. PAC goes for another pin that Cassidy again lightly kicks to break - and now PAC is super pissed (as opposed to his normal setting of mostly pissed) and goes after Orange. The two have an even match while Omega recovers and ruins everything as usual. Each man gains the advantage for a while until Omega finally pins PAC to retain. We get a singles Orange Cassidy vs Kenny Omega match a few Dynamites down the line followed by Jungle Boy's big title match on the summer Beach Blast Dynamite. Omega defends and retains against Penta el Zero Miedo at AEW All Out 2021 around the time that New Japan Pro Wrestling's G1 Climax, now for the vacant IWGP World Heavyweight title due to Will Ospreay's neck injury, is won by the new NWA Worlds Heavyweight title holder Bryan Danielson. Omega, now actively calling out Danielson as a false title-collector, defends against Lance Archer at the Halloween Dynamite and Sting at the Winter is Here Dynamite. Word comes out that Bryan Danielson has won Rush's ROH World title at ROH Final Battle 2021 while Omega defends against Chris Jericho at the latest Rock & Rager cruise ship show where Bryan Danielson appears out of nowhere post-match to taunt Omega with his NWA, NJPW, and ROH, World titles. Omega claims he doesn't have to defend any title against Danielson because he has no official wins in AEW - and wins matter. So, Danielson holds a special challenge to former NWA Worlds Heavyweight champion Colt Cabana - titles (BTE & FTW titles) vs titles (NWA, NJPW, & ROH) on Dynamite - and wins to add the BTE & FTW titles to his collection that is now 5 belts to Omega's 4 belts. In retaliation Omega sneaks off to England and wins the Revolution Pro Wrestling title (presumably also vacant due to Will Ospreay again) to even the score. Omega's greed gets the best of him and now he demands the match: Danielson vs Omega for ALL THE GOLD - except Danielson has a different idea. If Omega wins, he gets all the gold, but if Danielson wins, all the gold finally goes home. Omega must forfeit the Impact, TNA, AAA, and RevPro titles (though keep his AEW title) while Danielson will forfeit his NJPW, ROH, BTE, and FTW titles (but keep his NWA title). The Forbidden Door closes again except for the holder of the Forbidden Key, the NWA Worlds Heavyweight title. The two have a hard match but Danielson beats Omega and frees all the gold. Omega is left with his one title... and that's when his old friend and partner Adam Page comes around. And the Hangman is coming to win.

Quixotronic Bullpen Predictions:

Kyle: Kenny Omega - I don't see anyone beating Omega anytime soon for the AEW World title. #DonKennyisPleased? His other titles? That may be a different matter with Moose coming for the Impact/TNA titles and Quixo's WWE World Champion Andrade Almas coming for his AAA Mega Campeonato.

Ryan: Kenny Omega

Tim: Kenny Omega

Andy: Kenny Omega


That's it for our AEW Double or Nothing preview and fantasy booking. We'll be back in two weeks with NXT Takeover In Your House II (June 13th) and the next week with WWE Money in the Bank Hell in a Cell 2021 (June 20th).

In the meantime, if you haven't already, please checkout the our version of WWE, first in Quixo-WWE WrestleMania 37 and next in Quixo-Great American Bash 2021! What's better than some fantasy booking? All fantasy booking.

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